The boy is tired.
The boy is hungry.
Use: "and"
The boy is hungry and tired.
Happy, jump, frustrated, lick.
Which two go together and why?
Happy and frustrated because they are both feelings.
The gingerbread man fled from the kitchen.
What does fled mean?
Center, focus, middle, mistake.
Which two words go-together and why?
Center and middle because they are locations.
Book, sky, dirt, page.
Which two go together and why?
He is hurt.
He still rides his skateboard.
Use: "although"
Although he is hurt, he rides his skateboard.
She doesn't like sports.
It is on tv.
Use the word "unless"
She doesn't like sports unless it is on TV.
The day was so blustery, that it caused many power outages.
What does "blustery" mean?
Railing, razor, shave, throw out
Which two go together and why?
Razor and shave go together because you shave with a razor.
The mirror is so grimy you can't see your reflection.
What does grimy mean?
He can't have a cookie.
He finishes his homework.
Use: "until"
He can't have a cookie until his finishes his homework.
North, fast, fire, east.
Which two go together and why?
North and east because they are both directions.
A pack was howling in the deep woods.
What does "pack" mean in this sentence?
A group of wolves.
Knife, pages, dangerous, expensive
Which two go together and why?
Knife and dangerous go together because a knife is dangerous.
The hail pelted the roof.
Define pelted
fall down hard
I like Florida.
It is hot.
Use: "because"
I like Florida because it is hot.
I will go to the gym.
I go to the library.
Use the word "before"
I will go to the gym before I go to the library.
A blizzard can make driving very difficult.
What is a blizzard?
A snowstorm
Honest, boring, exciting, exercising.
Which two go together and why?
Boring and exciting because they are opposite feelings.
I will go to the store.
I go to the movies.
Use the word "after"
I will go to the store after I go to the movies.
I like the blue shirt.
I bought the red shirt.
Use: "even though"
Even though I like the blue shirt, I bought the red shirt.
Today was a completely abnormal school day because half of the kids were out sick.
Define abnormal
Not normal or unusual
The stars gleam in the night.
What does gleam mean?
Front, chair, cry, weep.
Which two go together and why?
Cry and weep because they both mean to cry.
Chuckle, puzzle, laugh, cry.
Which two go together and why?
Chuckle and laugh because they both mean to laugh.