How long does Advent last?
Four weeks
What is one thing the color of ordinary time stands for?
What do we not eat on Friday?
How long does Triduum last?
Three days
How long is Easter?
50 days long
What color are in Advent?
What is one thing the color of ordinary time stands for?
How long is lent?
40 days without the Sundays
46 days with the Sundays
Is Triduum the shortest season or the longest.
What do we celebrate on Easter?
Jesus' resurrection
How long does Christmas last?
12 days
What color is in ordinary Time?
What does Solemn mean?
What does HT stand for?
What happened on HT?
HT means Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday is when Eucharist is preformed.
What is one color?
What are the colors of Christmas
White and gold
Is the ordinary time the longest or the shortest?
What are the colors in lent?
White and purple
What does GF stand for?
What happened on GF?
GF stands for Good Friday
Jesus died on Good Friday
What is one color?
What does Christmas end with?
The baptism of Jesus
How many times does ordinary time happen?
Two times
What do the colors in lent prepare us for?
The resurrection of Jesus
What does HS stand for?
What happened on HS?
HS stands for Holy Saturday
Jesus was put in tomb on Holy Saturday.
Easter is the greatest .....?
Greatest celebration.