Healing, Invisibility, Clairvoyance
This creature, when standing still, is indistinguishable from a stone statue.
What is Gargoyle?
Edgin Darvis was this class that uses its music and charm as it's first defense.
What is Bard?
"Copper for your thoughts?"
What is Detect Thoughts?
This famous brewery sits in Vallaki and is owned by the Martikovs.
What is the Blue Water Inn?
Animals or Plants, Creature, Object
What is Locate spells?
These creatures have a keen sense of smell and keen hearing. Awwoooo!
What are Wolves?
Holga Kilgore played this class that harnesses its rage in order to fight combatants.
What is Barbarian?
"Hot! Spicy Pepper!"
What is Dragon's Breath?
Strahd himself resides in this grand structure somewhere within his domain
What is Castle Ravenloft?
Disjunction, Brilliance, Disguise
What are Helms?
Despite what we know of them in real life, this small pet companion does not have dark vision.
What are cats?
This walking stick has a brilliant gemstone fitted at the top and creates two portals. Enter one and exit thither.
What is the Hither-Tither Staff?
This spell uses a caterpillar cocoon to turn a creature into a new form
What is Polymorph?
This Vistani uses Taroka cards to reach out to fate and find powerful artifacts that can be used against Strahd
Who is Madame Eva?
Ice, Barrier, Ward
What are Blades?
This ghostly creature is clueless of how it died and throws objects and people in order to express its rage.
What is a poltergeists?
Chancellor Jarnathan, was this soaring race of avian humanoids.
What is Aarakocra?
A shaving of licorice root is used in this spell to give its target the ability to Dash, Disengage or Hide two times, amongst other things.
What is Haste?
This woman was the adopted daughter of the burgomaster in the Village of Barovia.
Who is Ireena?
Dweomerdoom, Suspended Silence, Warding Whip
What are Khelben's spells?
This primitive race of frog-like humanoids are found throughout the bogs and marshes of Toril, they are self-proclaimed lords of the swamp.
What are Bullywugs?
This fat red dragon was a nuisance to the main characters when they visited the underdark.
What is Themberchaud?
This spell uses an eggshell and a snakeskin glove to give you a helping hand from a famous wizard
What is Bigby's Hand?
This bloody building is the only tavern that resides in the Village of Barovia