When is 8/31/2006
Point-Slope Formula
What is y-y1=m(x-x1)
The year COVID restrictions were issued
When is 2020
The only food that doesn't spoil
What is Honey
FYP stands for
What is for you page
My favorite book
What is The Bible
Most common surname in the US
What is Smith
The country in which the US almost started WW3 with at the beginning of 2020
What is Iran
The second richest fast food chain
What is Starbucks
The Date Tiktok was banned in the US
What is January 18
The years I went to Vietnam
What is 2015 & 2023
Acrophobia is..
What is the fear of heights
What major event sparked protests in 2020?
What is the death of George Floyd
They have their bodies crushed to make the red food dye used in skittles
What are beetles
Most followed Tiktok creator
Who is Khaby.Lame
The amount of years+months+days I had braces for (10 days on either side)
What is 4 years 3 months 29 days
The country that has the most tornadoes per square kilometer
Where is England
What country did the US withdrawal out of in 2021
What is Afghanistan?
The first food eaten in space
what is applesauce
Most popular hashtag for November
What is #NoNutNovember
What is Dr.G R.E.D Blemish Clear Soothing Cream
December 26 is what holiday in Ireland
What is Saint Stephen's Day
In 2022, the Russia-Ukraine War caused what shortage?
What is Infant formula shortage
Name a fruit that is considered a berry that you wouldn't think is a berry
What is a Banana
The date Tiktok was released
When is Sept. 2016