What is the real name for the "funny bone"?
Ulnar Nerve (It's not a bone at all!)
Often used to bend things including wire for electrical purposes or for jewelry
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner eating his Christmas pie, what fruit did he pluck from his pie?
A plum
"May the ____ be with you"
Force (Star Wars)
Huck Finn and this character floated down the Mississippi River together
Adults have 206 bones. How many does an infant have?
What L-shaped tool often comes with Ikea orders?
Allen wrench/Hex key
Jack being both nimble and quick managed to jump over this
a candlestick
"There's no place like ____"
Home (Wizard of Oz)
Frodo's steadfast companion on his journey to destroy the ring
Sam Gamgee
What is the hardest substance in the human body?
Tooth enamel
This tool uses compressed air to drive nails into wood
Nail Gun
What weapon of choice did the farmer's wife use on the three blind mice?
A carving knife
"You're gonna need a bigger _____"
Boat (Jaws)
Sherlock Holmes often would benefit from the assistance of
The three smallest bones in the body can be found where?
The ear (Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup)
Sometimes on a chain, sometimes in a circular shape, what am I?
Hickory Dickory Dock, the _______ ran up the clock
Kid (Casablanca)
Companions of the same mind Dr. _____ Joined Mr. Hyde in this strange case
What is the longest type of cell in the human body?
Nerve cell (Neuron)
Also known as a try plane, this tool is used to straighten the edges of boards or to flatten their surface.
A jointer
The nursery rhyme "Jack and Jill" is supposed to be about who?
King Louis XVI of France and Marie Antoinette
"After all, _______ is another day"
Tomorrow (Gone with the Wind)
George told his companion to imagine their future farm together before shooting him in the back of the head