God looks at the _____.
(Heart - 1 Samuel 16:7)
The one whom we should most want to please
(God/Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:9)
David's job for his father
(Shepherd - 1 Samuel 16:11)
First king of Israel
(Saul - 1 Samuel 9:17)
Saul was king of this country
(Israel - 1 Samuel 16:1)
God does not see like ______ ______.
(Mortals see - 1 Samuel 16:7)
The one who is our real king
(Jesus Christ - the "anointed one" - Luke 4:18)
Number of sons Jesse had
(Eight - 1 Samuel 16:10-11)
Old Testament person who anointed David
(Samuel - 1 Samuel 16:13)
Jesse and his sons lived in this town
(Bethlehem - 1 Samuel 16:4)
Today's story is found in this Testament.
Why God made Samuel send for David even though he was the youngest
(He knew his heart, it didn't matter about his age - 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Timothy 4:12)
The word we use in the church for pouring holy oil on someone's head; to set them apart for a special job
(Anoint, 1 Samuel 10)
Father of eight sons who Samuel came to visit
(Jesse - 1 Samuel 16:1)
Where David was when Samuel came to Bethlehem
(Fields watching the sheep - 1 Samuel 16:11)
Today's story is found in this book of the Bible.
(1 Samuel)
God provides his ________to shape our hearts
(Holy Spirit, Word, etc several possible answers)
An offering made to God, using our gifts, money or talents
(Sacrifice- Psalm 50:14)
Youngest son of Jesse
(David - 1 Samuel 16:11, 13)
This Bible hero was also born in Bethlehem
(Jesus - Luke 2:4-6 )
"Peaceably, I have come to sacrifice to the Lord."
(What Samuel told the people - 1 Samuel 16:5)
God chooses us to do what?
Have faith/ serve him/ love him, etc.
This came upon David after he was anointed
(Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Lord - 1 Samuel 16:13)
Relative of David whose name means "the anointed one" and would be called the King of Kings
(Christ - Acts 10:38)
As a young boy, David would win a great battle against this man.