What animal can change colors to match its surroundings?
What city does Batman reside?
Gotham City
What was the name of the camp Stanley went to?
Camp Green Lake
Which sea creature is known to regrow its arms
What actor played as Deadpool?
Ryan Reynolds
What was Stanleys Nickname in the camp?
What is the only mammal that can fly?
A bat
Who is the love interest of Superman?
Lois Lane
What was the secret ingredient in the wardens special nail polish?
Rattlesnake venom
What animal is referred to as King of the jungle?
Which superhero is known as the first avenger?
Captain America
What was Mr Sirs real name
What is the fastest animal in the water?
The Sailfish
Who said the line: "With great power, come great responsibility"
Uncle Ben
What famous athletes shoes did Stanley supposedly steal from
Clyde Sweet Feet Livingston