Name 2 avengers.
Iron man,Thor,Hulk,Captain America,Hawkeye,Black Widdow,Black Panther,Quick Silver,Ant-Man,Scarlet Witch,Vision, and Captain Marvel.
Name One person on Mount Rushmore.
George Washingston,Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Rosevelt,Abraham Lincoln.
Who's Nickname is The king of pop.
Who Is Micheal Jackson
Who is the Kansas City Cheifs quarterback
Who is Patrick Mahomes.
"Just Do It."
What is Nike.
What Is the Hulks real name
What Is Bruce Banner.
Who famously signed there name on the declaration of independence in a large bold font?
Who is John Hancock.
What is the most streamed song and who sings it?
Blinding Lights By the Weeknd.
Who is the all time leader in goals in soccer
Who is Christiano Ronaldo.
`I'm Lovin' It,''
What is McDonald's.
Name One Avenger on iron man's team in the 2016 film "Civil War"
Who is War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther, Spider-Man and Vision.
What U.S state is bordering the most states.
What is Tennessee or Missouri
Who Has the most Grammys in The hip hop category.
Who is Jay-Z
What is the New York Yankees.
"Pizza Pizza"
What is Little Ceasers.
What type of creature is Venom?
What is a Symbiote.
what Year did Christopher Culombus sail to america?
What is 1942.
What record Label is Kanye West signed to?
What is Roc-A-fella records.
What are the only M.L.B and N.F.L teams that have shared a stadium.
What is the Oakland Athletics and the Oakland Raiders
"Think Different"
What is Apple
Name every actor that has held the title of Captain America in the MCU.
Steve Rogers, John Walker, and Sam Wilson.
Who was the 42nd president of the United States.
Who is Bill Clinton.
Who has the most appearances on billboard hot 100.
Who is Drake with 366 appearances.
What team has the most points scored in the NBA
What is The Golden State Warriors.
"Breakfast Of champions"
What is Wheaties.