who started ww2
who is hitler
what cereal brand has a tiger as its mascot?
what is frosted flakes (tony the tiger)
one of his labors was cleaning the stables of king augeas
who is hercules
the great white north
what is canada
the robinson family traveled aboard the jupiter II, trying to find a way back to earth on this show
what is lost in space
any recognizable prehistoric remains of plants or animals buried in the earth; its from the latin for ´dug up
what is a fossil
whats the first micky mouse ever (to be seen)
steamboat wille
this sea god was often depicted holding a trident
the teardrop of india
what is sri lanka
the atlantia and the pacifica were 2 of the other battlestars on this tv show bearing another spaceships name
what is battle star galaska
abraham werner and his followers in the 18th C. were called neptunists; they believed that all rocks were formed here
what is the ocean
¨ask any mermaid you happen to see, ´whats the best tuna?´¨, this brand
what is chicken of the sea
this goddess of wisdom had a unusual parentage, no mom, just sprang full grown out of zeus´ head
who is athena
there are about 30 million people in this ¨land of the incas¨
what is peru
in star trek III, christopher lloyd as a villain from this race commanded a spaceship called a bird of prey
what are the klingones
according to his old testament book, this ¨swords into plowshares" prophet walked naked for 3 years
who is isaya
what do you call 3 trees next to each other
a tree-io (like trio)
he made wax wings so he and his son icarus could escape crete; a great plan in theory, but... it ended in tragedy.
who is daedalus
ubs is a bank based in this land, ¨the worlds piggy bank¨
what is switzerland
the discovery is the spaceship sent to investigate a mysterious monoliths signal in this film
what is 2001 a space odyssey
lets all flock to read psalm 95, in which humans are compared to these animals
what are sheep
the slogan of this johnson & johnson product was ¨have you had your sprinkle today?¨
what is shower to shower
she wasn't just the greek goddess of the rainbow, she personified it too
who is iris
fierce pashtun fighters help make it the ¨graveyard of empires¨
what is afghanistan
in this 1979 flim, the mining ship nostromo lands on a distant planet to investigate a suspected s.o.s
what is alien