AmexGbT number 1 preferred airline is?
If you book a hotel discretionary rate, you are booking a rate that is what?
One of Senior Management teams pet project is AI, who is this person?
What is the name of the incentive program for Avis/Budget?
Unlimited Rewards
What is the name of the new rewards program?
Who is AmexGBT number 1 Hotel Chain
True or False, Waivers and Favors are part of our KPI's?
One of our fearless leaders broke her toe learning Karate, was it Stephanie Burgess, CAS, Marian Tiscareno, or Christine Sawyer?
What is the name of the program where agents can find discounts on Electronics, travel, restaurants, entertainment tickets?
Perks at Work
True or false, there is a site dedicated specifically to onsite agents?
Who is AmexGBT number one Car Rental Company
COPQ stands for what?
Cost of poor quality
Where is CAS's favorite place to vacation?
Disney World
Where is one of the many places agents can go to fill out trivia questions and win prizes?
Ambassador newsletter, AmexGbt Virtual Blitzs
How many agents are on CAS's team?
Welcome New Team Members
John Camac/Julian Randall/Monica Dewedoff/Priscille Soppi-Mbaka
The United challenge is Jet Setting 10 Lucky people off to where?
What does CSAT stand for?
Customer Satifaction
Who was a division 1 swimmer in college
Mark Rude, Patty Huska, Stephanie Burgess, Paul Abbott?
Stephanie Burgess
What is the name of the Marriott Travel agent program?
Hotel Excellence