In the song," Livin' On A Prayer", Bon Jovi does not sing "it doesn't make a difference if we're naked or not" instead he sings this.
What is "it doesn't make a difference if we make it our not"?
This coffee shop was the main hangout for the gang.
What is Central Perk?
In this 1982 classic, a young boy befriends a stranded alien and helps him return home.
What is E.T.?
This American inventor is famous for the lightbulb, phonograph, and motion picture camera.
Who is Thomas Edison?
In Creedence Clearwater Revival's, Bad Moon Rising, fans may have thought they were singing about a "bathroom on the right" when they were singing this phrase.
What is " there's a bad moon on the rise"?
Ross is obsessed with this prehistoric subject, which is also his profession.
What is Paleontology?
This 1997 James Cameron film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, became one of the highest-grossing films of all time.
What is Titanic?
The first iPhone was released in this decade.
What is the 2000s?
These brothers were on the "right" side of history with this invention.
What is the airplane?
In the song, "Every Breath You Take" by The Police you may have heard " I am pool hall ace." The real lyrics are this.
What is" how my poor heart aches"?
Joey's signature catchphrase used to flirt with the ladies is this.
What is "how you doin' "?
This 1993 hit about dinos was directed by Steven Spielberg.
What is Jurassic Park?
The United States landed the first man on the moon in this decade.
What is the 60's?
This scientist developed the first practical telephone in 1876.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
Listeners often mishear the lyrics as "hold me closer Tony Danza" in this Elton John song.
What is "Tiny Dancer"?
This is the number of main characters in Friends.
What is six?
Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones starred as alien-fighting agents in this 1997 flick.
What is Men in Black?
The Great Depression began with the stock market crash, known as Black Tuesday, in this decade.
What is the 20's?
This famous scientist and inventor flew a kite in a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is electricity.
Who is Ben Franklin?
Toto's "Africa", includes a line often misheard as "I guess it rains down in Africa", but the real lyrics are this.
What is " I bless the rains down in Africa"?
The boys take on the girls and play this game show knock-off.
What is Jeopardy?
The phrase, "Why so serious? " was made famous by this villain in The Dark Knight.
Who is the Joker?
Facebook was founded in a Harvard dorm room by Mark Zuckerberg in this decade.
What is the 2000s?
This inventor is famous for his three laws of motion and the invention of calculus.
Who is Isaac Newton?
In Jimmy Hendrix's song Purple Haze, people often hear " 'scuse me while I kiss the sky" instead of this lyric.
What is " 'Scuse me while I kiss this guy"?
Monica's apartment is painted this color.
What is purple?
Keanu Reeves starred as Neo in this 1999 sci-fi film that questioned the nature of reality.
What is The Matrix?
The Berlin Wall fell, marking the symbolic end of the Cold War, in this decade.
What is the 80's?
Johannes Gutenberg is best known for inventing this machine in the 1400s which helped spread knowledge.
What is the printing press?
In Sam Cooke's song, "Twisting the Night Away" people often Google the lyric "Chicken Slacks" thinking it's an old-fashioned type of pant only to find out they misheard the lyric and it's acutally this.
What is a "chick in slacks?"
Ross is known for arguing this point about his relationship with Rachel.
What is "we were on a break"?
This 2012 superhero team-up film brought together Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk for the first time.
What is The Avengers?
Elvis Presley made his first appearance on TV in this decade.
What is the 50s?
This invention, created by Eli Whitney, revolutionized the cotton industry by quickly separating seeds from fibers.
What is the cotton gin?