Who is God our Father
God is the Supreme Being. Creator of heaven and earth, self-existing and infinitely perfect Spirit.
Is there only one God?
There is only one true God, creator of or heaven and earth, He awards the good, and punishes the bad.
Has God always existed?
God has always existed and will always exist, because He is eternal.
Where is God?
God is in heaven, on earth, and everywhere.
Can God see all things?
God can see all things, including our thoughts.
Is God perfect?
Yes, God is infinitely perfect, without defects or limits. He is infinitely wise., all-good, and almighty.
Who is the Blessed Trinity?
The Blessed Trinity is one and the same God in the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Three distinct persons in one God.
Who is the first person in the Blessed Trinity?
The first person in the Blessed Trinity is the Father.
Who is the second person in the Blessed Trinity?
The second person in the Blessed Trinity is the Son.
Who is the third person in the Blessed Trinity?
The third person in the Blessed Trinity is the Holy Spirit.
Is the Father God?
Yes, the Father is God.
Is the Son God?
Yes the Son is God.
Is the Holy Spirit God?
Yes the Holy Spirit is God.
Are the three persons in the Blessed Trinity only one God?
Yes, the three persons in the Blessed Trinity are only one True God.
What does Creator mean?
Our Creator means that God has made everything from nothing.
Does God take care of all creation?
God created the world with His almighty power, He conserves it with its power and governs it with His providence.
Did God create only material things?
No, God did not only create material things, He also created pure spirits, and created the soul of every man.
Who are the perfect beings that God has created?
The most perfect beings God has created are the angels and men.
What are angels?
Angels are the purest spiritual beings, most intelligent with free will.
Who is the Guardian Angel?
The Guardian Angel, also known as the angel of custody, is the angel that God gives to each one of us, to protect us on earth and will take us to heaven.
Who are the bad angels?
Bad angels are rebellious against God, they rose against God by pride and for that reason they were precipitated in hell. By hatred to God, they urge the man to act bad.
Who is man?
Man is a rational being made of soul and body.
What is a soul?
The soul is the spiritual part of man, by which it lives, it knows and is free, and therefore able to know, to love, and to serve God.
Does man's soul die with the body?
The soul of man does not die with the body, it lives forever because it's spiritual.
Why has God created man?
God created man to know, to love, and to be served by in this life and to enjoy with later in eternal life.