This is the number of steps in the Engineering Design Process.
What is 6?
This is how many simple machine types there are.
He is the first black president in the history of the United States.
This mammal is the fastest land animal.
What is a cheetah?
Stretching thousands of miles, it was built to protect Chinese states against invasions.
During this step of the Engineering Design Process, you identify the problem or need.
What is "Ask"?
Scissors and a hammer are examples of this type of simple machine.
What is a lever?
The only president to serve more than two terms, he led the country through the Great Depression and World War II.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
This nocturnal mammal is known for its ability to hang upside down.
What is the largest continent by land area?
What is Asia?
What is "Share"?
A lightbulb is an example of this type of simple machine.
What is a screw?
He was the 16th president of the United States and delivered the Gettysburg Address in 1863.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This flightless bird is the fastest on land.
What is an ostrich?
This country in South America is the world’s largest coffee producer and is home to the Amazon rainforest.
What is Brazil?
During this step of the Engineering Design Process, you look for ways to make your design or invention better.
What is "improve"?
What is a pulley?
This president was a famous actor before becoming the 40th President of the United States. Who was he?
Who is Ronald Reagan?
This insect is known for its ability to produce light through bioluminescence.
What is a firefly?
This is an iconic symbol of France located in Paris, originally constructed for the 1889 World’s Fair.
What is the Eiffel Tower?
During this step of the Engineering Design Process, you come up with a step-by-step plan for your prototype.
What is "Plan & Design"?
This simple machine has one thick end that tapers into a thin edge.
What is a wedge?
Which president delivered the famous line “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” during his inaugural address?
Who is John F. Kennedy?
This social insect is known for its complex colonies and foraging behavior.
What is an ant?
This river, which is the longest in the world, flows through multiple countries in Africa. What is the name of this longest river?
What is the Nile River?