I can cry without eyes and fly without wings. What am I?
What is a Cloud?
What are the names of the Twins in Harry Potter?
Who are Fred and George?
Did you know that blue light is bad for _______ ______?
You're eyes?
Who is the smallest pet in this house?
Who is the baby snail?
If I get my phone but leave my keys, and I go back to get my keys, I leave my ________.
My phone.
I'm tall when I'm new and short when I'm old. What am I?
What is a Candle?
What was the name of Harry Potters Werewolf teacher?
Who is Professor Lupin?
Did you know Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon is named that because he has retractable ________?
Retractable teeth?
Who always uses their I-pad when one parent says no, and the other says yes because they don't know what one another said?
Who is Brighton?
I finally have filled out all the paperwork to get a job, then I find out someone else ____________ ____ ___ _____.
Someone else already got the job.
You can hold me in your hand and I can speak without saying anything. What am I?
What is a Pencil?
What spell could kill someone with a single hit?
What is "Avada Kadavera!"?
Did you know that turtles can live to be older than _________?
Than Humans?
What kid once stole money from Dad?
Who is Cerin?
I am all ready to go to the store, but I lost my wallet, but thankfully I remember putting my credit card into my backpack, when I get their what happens?
I remembered that it was still in my wallet.
I have keys but no locks. What am I?
What's a Piano?
What was Harry potters owl called?
Who is Hegwig?
Did you know that your eyes will adjust to how _______ it is in the room?
How Bright?
Who in this house is famous for having headaches?
Who is Kaydon?
You buy a new car to show it to your friends, on the way the what happens?
You crash the car.
I am strong, and dangerous, and I am literally a Riddle.
Who is Tom Riddle?
What was Voldemorts true name?
Who is Tom Riddle?
Did you know that the strongest bone in your body is a ________?
A tooth?
Who tries to not let Dad leave for work?
Who are Kaydon, Cerin, and Brighton?
You buy a brand new videogame to try out, later that night what happens?
The power goes out.