Spin the handle but don't be spooked by this little man who might pop out.
In 2001, the twin towers were destroyed, as well as other buildings in this center.
World Trade Center
A person who betrays their team or group may be called this.
This force pulls objects to the center of Earth and gives us weight.
This state, known as the Peach State, is home to numerous professional sports teams such as the Falcons and the Braves.
This toy, comprised of an axle spooled with string between 2 disks, was revolutionized by the Duncan Toy Company.
In 1997, this famous princess tragically died in a car crash in Paris.
Princess Diana
Tice-Tac-Toe in the United States or Noughts and ____ in the United Kingdom.
This energy source comes from the sun and is used by reusable panels.
Solar energy
This national park is located on the border of North Carolina and Tennessee.
Great Smoky Mountains
Take him apart and rebuild him however you like, this mustache wielding spud is a great kids toy.
Mr. Potato Head
Widespread panic erupted before January 1, 2000, due to fears that computers would malfunction as the year changed.
In sports, the heavily favored opponent may be referred to as this giant man.
This process forms glaciers, cliffs, and beaches where rocks or soil is moved by ice, water, or wind.
This is the largest freshwater lake in North America, part of the Great Lakes between Michigan and Canada.
Lake Superior
These wooden building materials were named after the 16th president of the United States, after being invented in 1916.
Lincoln Logs
Due to misinterpretations of this calendar, some thought the world would end on December 21, 2012.
Mayan Calendar
One's occupation.
This is the part of the water cycle where water vapor cools and condenses to form clouds.
What is the total area of Alaska? (in square miles)
Kentucky is 40,000 square miles.
Go sight-seeing from your own home with this slide-viewer.
In 1999, this cult group took their own lives, believing they would ascend to a spaceship following the Hale-Bopp comet.
Heaven's Gate
This 2015 Terminator film features a new system threatening the future.
Terminator: Genisys (Genesis)
This process occurs when an animal or plant changes form or behavior in response to changes in it's environment.
This river forms part of the border between the United States and Mexico.
Rio Grande