What is the most popular sport throughout the world?
What color would you get if you mix yellow with red?
What is the biggest animal in the world?
The blue whale
What is the capital of Denmark?
Which sport is Canadas official national winter sport?
Ice hockey
What color is the tongue of a giraffe?
Who have made the songs: "Ocean eyes", "What was I made for" and "Happier than ever"
Billie Eilish
What is the capital of Germany?
Which sport is played at the Wimbledon?
Unscramble this word: wloyel
What is the capital of Ukraine?
In bowling, what is it called when you knock down all 10 pins at once?
A strike
Where does the president of the United States of America live?
The White House
What is the tallest animal?
The Giraffe
What is the biggest country in South America?
Which club has won most champions league trophies in football
Real Madrid
What are the colors of the five Olympic rings?
Red, yellow, green, blue and black
Who is the president of Ukraine?
Volodymyr Zelenskyj
What is the capital of Argentina?
Buenos Aires