Is positive self talk a CBT or DBT skill?
Great Answer! CBT
What falls under the category of Feelings Mind?
Great Job! The answer is ALL of our emotions.
Is this helpful or unhelpful evidence: My teacher told me I was helpful in class
Helpful! Great JOB
Do people feel comfortable around us when we have big reactions to small problems?
No, they do not!!
What’s the response to “see you later, alligator?”
“In a while, crocodile.”
" After a while, crocodile."
What is self talk?
Fantastic! It’s the way we talk to ourselves in our head
What falls under the category of Fact Mind?
NICE!! Rules, expectations, facts.
What is evidence?
Clues, proof, facts, 100% true
What should our actions/body look like if we are using radical acceptance?
Calm body, following directions, showing expected behaviors, using skills
Great Work!
What do bees make?
Give an example of cheerleader statement.
"You got this" or "You can do this" or "You're trying your best" "Go ____ Go!"
What word do we use to combine Feelings and Fact Mind into Wise Mind?
AND. Good Job!
What is an example of a fact vs. Opinion?
NICE JOB! Other examples include...
Fact: today is Friday
Opinion: Friday is the best day of the week
What is something we might say to show we are using radical acceptance?
Good Example!
“I can accept this even if I don’t like it”, “I can let this problem go”, “this is how it has to be right now”.
Whose nose grew longer every time he lied?
What are the two types of ways that we can practice positive self talk?
Cheerleader statements and listing things I'm good at or like about myself
Give an example of a wise mind statement you can use for school.
Great! Examples Include...
“I can feel nervous AND still go to school on time”, “I can feel annoyed AND still do homework”.
What is an example of a more balance thought to replace your ANT?
"Sometimes I get what I want and sometimes I don't"
"It's okay if I don't get a prize because I got a new toy yesterday"
Explain radical acceptance in your own words.
Completely accepting things that are out of your control.
How many planets are in our solar system?
How does replacing our ANTS with positive self talk statements affect our CBT triangle?
It helps us feel more pleasant emotions and have expected actions.
Give an example of a wise mind statement.
Great example! More include...
“I can feel sad AND still do my chores”, “I can feel angry AND still ask for help”.
What are the two types of evidence we look for in clue snooping?
Helpful and Unhelpful
Give an example of a big problem and a small problem.
Big: natural disaster, getting injured, being bullied at school.
Small: going to school, doing chores, doing homework, losing a game.
What do you have to stick on an envelope?
A stamp.