How many Meq of Sodium in 0.9% Saline?
How do you perform Castell's sign
What do you call these?
What is Beck's Triad?
Hypotension, JVD, Muffled Heart Sounds
What is the first-line pressor in Septic shock?
The PLUS trial compared Normal Saline to what balance crystalloid?
What Ethnicity/Ancestry is Dupytrene's contracture most associated with?
Irish or Northern European
What does a hemolytic Workup entail?
Peripheral Blood smear, unconjugated bilirubin, LDH, Haptoglobin, Reticulocyte count, Direct coombs test
Name 4 different causes of Distributive shock?
Sepsis, Anaphylaxis, Spinal Trauma, Anesthesia, Addison's
What is the first line pressor in cardiogenic shock?
In what situation does Ringer's Lactate have a significantly higher mortality rate than Normal Saline
Traumatic Brain Injury
Name 4 physical Exam Maneuvers to detect ascites
1. Fluid wave
2. Shifting Dullness
3. Bulging Flanks
4. Puddle Sign
What does HELLP stand for?
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Low platelets
What are the SIRS criteria?
Temperature < 36 or > 38
HR > 90 BPM
RR > 20 breaths/min
WBC < 4, > 12, or > 10% immature (band) forms
Describe the MOA of alpha 1, Beta 1, and Beta 2 receptor agonists
alpha 1 - vasoconstrict
B1 - inotropy/chronotropy
B2 - vasodilation
What were the RCT study names that compared Ringer's Lactate to Normal Saline? What were the main findings?
SALT ED and SMART. Favour administering intravenous balanced crystalloids over saline to decrease a composite outcome of death, new renal replacement therapy or persistent renal dysfunction
Name the 5 hand physical exam findings of cirrhosis
Terry's nails
Palmar Erythema
Dupytrene's contracture
Name 4 causes of Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia?
DIC, TTP, HUS, Mechanical heart valves, March hemoglinuria, Malignant HTN, SLE, Scl renal crisis, catastophic antiphospholipid syndrome, HELLP
Describe the Difference between Sepsis, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
Sepsis: 2/4 SIRS with source
Severe Sepsis: sepsis + ↑lactic acid (>2) or ↓MAP
Septic shock: Severe Sepsis + unresponsive to fluids
Name 6 pressors
Waterloo by ABBA is a song about which famous general's last battle?
Napoleon Bonaparte
What famous singer whose name is often used as a trivia team name wrote the song "Physical"
Olivia Newton-John
Who are these guys?
The Beatles - John, Paul, George, and Ringo
The band that wrote "Rock you like a hurricane" shares a name with a cause of pancreatitis, what's there name?
Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie was plagiarized by Vanilla Ice in what famous song?
Ice Ice Baby