This popular superhero franchise features three actors who share the first name Chris.
What is The Avengers?
These accessories, made popular by influencers like Jojo Siwa, fell out of fashion favor in 2024.
What are bows?
Members of this subculture will often have a very strong affinity for fictional character(s) or the world(s) they inhabit and will demonstrate this with merchandise they've purchased, by attending conventions, or even dressing up as their favorite characters.
What is the fandom subculture?
If you're a part of this generation, you'll remember the civil rights movement, the Red Scare, and have a dichotomous mentality that favors both individuality and nationalism.
What is the Baby Boomer generation?
If your doctor suspects you may have an infectious disease such as strep, the flu, or COVID, they may order this simple but highly effective test.
What is a swab test?
This Disney film featured a princess who was actually meant to be the villain in the story's original draft.
What is Frozen?
This controversial celebrity's wife turned up to the 2025 Grammys in an outfit that almost wasn't an outfit at all, sparking substantial backlash.
Who is Kanye West?
Members of this subculture will spend countless hours on live streams, in group sessions, level-grinding, or engaging in an unsavory practice called currency-farming in the name of pixelated items, awards, or clout among their fellows.
What is the gamer subculture?
On top of witnessing the fall of the Berlin wall, this generation was the first to experience video games, personal computers, and the last generation of latchkey kids.
What is Generation X?
If this test is ordered, it means a sample of your bodily tissues are collected from an area that your doctor suspects may be harboring a serious illness.
What is a biopsy?
This artist won the Album of the Year award at the 2024 Grammys, making them the first artist in history to do so four years in a row.
Who is Taylor Swift?
This rapper not only created a diss track centered around Drake, but invited one of Drake's exes to dance with their crew when they performed it at the 2025 Superbowl.
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
What is the theater subculture?
This bunch has never known a world without the internet, have a heightened awareness of social issues, and face almost-unprecedented economic uncertainty.
What is Gen Z?
This object in which lab samples are often preserved and studied was first invented in 1887 by a German bacteriologist who wanted to create a controlled, sterile environment in which he could observe his specimens.
What is a Petri dish?
In October of 2024, this celebrity showed up to their own lookalike competition in New York... and lost!
Who is Timothy Chalamet?
This It Ends with Us actress was accused of mean-girl behavior when an interviewer made a remark about her pregnancy belly.
Who is Blake Lively?
Stock up on your essentials, have a bug-out bag ready, and make sure your bunker is secure in time for the apocalypse if you're part of this group.
What is the prepper subculture?
Frequently the target of criticism from both older and younger generations, this bunch was the first affected by social media, smart phones, and were present for some of the biggest changes in the Information Age.
What are Millennials?
Equipment worn by individuals who work with potentially radioactive substances includes what device that monitors radiation doses?
Legendary actor Mark Hamill, widely known for both his on-film and voiceover work, also made an appearance as which supporting character in Netflix's The Fall of the House of Usher?
Who is Arthur Pym?
This country's president was impeached after declaring emergency martial law, citing "anti-state forces" as their reason for so doing.
What is South Korea?
This somewhat controversial group has faced more than their share of persecution for enjoying a program specifically created for young girls. No judgement from us, though - if Power Rangers and Dragon Ball can be for girls, this subgroup's franchise can be for boys!
What are bronies?
This generation, which was strongly impacted by the philosophy that children should be seen and not heard, are known for being pragmatic and cautious due to the financial hardships they endured.
What is the Silent Generation?
These are a series of protections designed to protect lab personnel as well as the surrounding environment are the basis for laboratory practices designed to prevent lab-acquired infections when working with agents belonging to a specific Risk Group.
What are biosafety levels?