How many syllables (音節) are in "beautiful"?
How many syllables(音節) is "interesting"?
There ( ) some ice.
There is some ice.
What is "should" in japanese?
How do you spell 山口先生 in english?
small - smallest big - biggest
pretty - ? good - ?
prettiest best
What is "parrot" in japanese?
There are ( ) fruits.
There aren't ( ) fruits.
There are some fruits.
There aren't any fruits.
I ate (たべた) snow that's yellow.
What should I do?
20 seconds.
You should ......
You should throw up (吐く).
How do you spell キャサリン先生 in english?
small - smallest big - biggest
Dangerous - famous -
the most dangerous
the most famous
small - smaller big - bigger
easy - ? friendly - ?
easier friendlier
What food is bitter? Sweet? Sour? Salty?
Coffee, candy, lemon, chips
What verb (動詞) is to "become well again"?
Ex: swallow or drink medicine - take
What's Catherine's favorite color?
Hint: 2 colors
Big or large?
I have a ( ) test tomorrow!
What is heavier than elephants?
Whale, schools, trains, dinosaur.....
What is "refrigerator" in Japanese?
What body part do we use to breathe?
What pumps blood (血液を送り出すために)?
Lungs and heart
All teams choose 1 person
What is 3 things from smallest to largest? You have 10 seconds.
1 2 3
How are rats and mice (mouse) different?
Rats are bigger
cheese, tomato, pepperoni, pineapple, potato, onion, mushroom, garlic, mayonnaise (mayo), shrimp, mentaiko, chicken, corn....
What are 5 ways to reduce stress (ストレスを軽減するために)?
Example: You should sleep more.
You should.... exercise, listen to music, not drink coffee, laugh more, eat better, talk with friends....
Play bomb game! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .......18
Everyone gets points - 1st: 500 2nd:400 3rd: 300 ....
Last persons teams = no points