14 - 9 =
What is 5?
The beginning of every sentence needs to start with ___.
What is a capital letter?
What town is our school in?
What planet do we live on?
What is Earth?
What state do we live in?
New York.
Name a first grade teacher
Keller, Love, Fondriest
11 x 7 =
What is 77?
A person, place, thing or animal.
What is a Noun?
Mrs. Lahmons favorite color?
Scientist use this to look deep into space.
What is a telescope?
What country do we live in?
United States of America
What are the names of the 3rd grade teachers?
Ellinger, Harrison, Lepley
If Mr. Newbon had 45 Pokemon cards and split them evenly between 5 students, how many Pokemon cards would each student get?
What are 9 Pokemon cards each?
(45 ÷ 5 = 9)
What is the subject of this sentence?
After a long time, Sam was ready to play again.
Who is our principal?
What does the Earth rotate around?
the Sun
How many states are part of the US ?
50 states
When is Christmas?
What is December 25th?
5 x 7 =
What is 35?
This should always go at the end of a sentence.
What is a Punctuation. (.!?)
How many days are in a year?
What is 365?
What is the first part of a chicken's life cycle?
What is an egg?
What is the capital of New York?
What month is Easter?
True or False:
16 < 8
What is False?
The name for an action word.
What is a verb?
How many siblings does Mrs. Lahmon Have
What is the force that keeps things on the ground?
What are the states that border ours?
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont.
When does the first bell of the day ring?
900 X 7
A) They're going to do great.
B) Their going to do great.
C) There going to do great.
Who are the kindergarten teachers?
Dickson, Pullin, Gilmore
Name 4 planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What are the 4 directions on a compass?
What is north, south, east and west?
What is my favorite thing to drink?