I am a father and a new pet, which country am I?
What is, Papa New Guinea?
I am not Dolly Parton, however by combining part of her name and an animal often mistaken with alpacas you will discover who I am.
Who is, the Dalai Lama?
Who is, Paul Revere?
What are the four Chinese characters that represent the values of the Kwong Kow Chinese School?
仁,忠,爱,孝 (write on the wall for 300 points, both groups can earn the extra points)
I am a sea that has no need for a compass for I am the ______ Sea.
I am a mayor, whenever Ric Flair entered the ring he would unintentionally say something similar to my last name. Which mayor am I?
Mayor Wu!
Red Auerbach?
I am a snack. I have a transparent bag. I have red oil on the side of my bag. I am a Chinese snack. I am spicy and I am a strip. Who am I? (answer must be in Chinese)
上海,广州,香港,深圳 和 北京
I am like the ivory of a rhinocerous' nose and a peninsula on the continent where most can be found, which peninsula am I?
What is, the Somali Peninsula?
I was a president. If you met my father and I you may wonder... what they doing out of the forest?
George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush
When I was a kid I was troublesome and didn't get the best grades. When I was older I was told that my health wasn't great. During WWII my brother died. My father-in-law was a mayor of Boston. Who am I?
Who is John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
I sound like the name of an Egyptian leader but I am a set of islands near Europe.
What is the Faroe Islands?
My name is not a maiden name, what kind of name is it? This clue will get you to a term that is nearly a homophone of my name. Which country am I?
What is, Suriname?
Though I am known for my logic and my order that I brought to over a billion people, my name is nearly an antonym for logic.
Who is Confucious? 孔子
I came here as a twin. When I hit I went for the win. Who am I?
Who is David Ortiz or Who is "Big Papi?"
I am used to secure things. In coding I am used to store things. What am I?
I am a string?
I am home to a Devil of sorts. Although that statement may sound like a Looney Tune, it is fairly accurate, at least by name. Which country am I?
What is, Australia?
You may find me on a Sunday sitting atop a peak. Which great orator am I?
Who is Churchill?
When I walk across the road, everyone stops. Not just for me but for others too. I might not win a beauty pagent but I am highly respected in Boston. Who am I?
The ugly duckling
My name rhymes with hay. The 19th century was my day. I comprised a lot. That was my forte. Say what you may, Maine is here to stay. Who am I?
I am Henry Clay