True or False, TIP is a helpful skill to use at a HIGH mood rating
TRUE! TIP is a great skill to use when our mood ratings are at an 8, 9 or 10!
What body clues do you get when you are at a high mood rating?
Hot, sweaty, stomach ache, head ache, dizzy, shaky
True or False, Feelings ID focuses on the emotions part of the CBT triangle.
TRUE! Feelings ID focuses on our emotions.
What are the two categories of self care?
Hygiene and hobbies
What movie involves characters named Joy, Sadness, Riley and Disgust?
Inside OUT!
What does the T in TIP stand for?
Temperature change!
What emotions might we be feeling if we are having body clues?
Nervous, worried, upset, embarrassed.
Name 3 emotions you might be feeling if your mood rating is at a 1-3.
Happy, peaceful, calm
How many meals should you eat a day?
3, plus snacks!
What is the biggest star in outer space?
The Sun!
What does the I in TIP stand for?
Intense exercise and intense flavor
What skills can you use to handle body clues?
Nice. More include... TIP, wise mind, positive self talk, mindfulness
What skills can you use if your mood rating is at a 0-5.
4x4 breathing, DISTRACT, STOP change the channel, positive self-talk
What's an example of an exercise you can do for 20 minutes?
What is the largest marine animal on Earth?
A blue whale
What does the P in TIP stand for?
Progressive muscle relaxation or PMR!
What body clues might we get at school?
Shaky, stomach ache, sweaty, etc.
Why is it important to tell other people how we are feeling?
GOOD ANSWER! it is important to tell other people how we are feeling so we can get our needs met and help other people understand us better. It also can help us lower our mood rating.
What is an example of a bedtime routine?
Great example!!
What type of bird can mimic someone's speech?
A parrot
For each letter of TIP, give an example of something you can do to practice it.
Great Examples. More include...
Temperature change: hold ice, drink cold water
Intense exercise & flavor: do a wall sit, eat a mint
PMR: pencil squeeze, push pull dangle
What is a false alarm?
When we experience a body clue with NO threat to safety
Name as many emotions as you can in 1 minute
WHEW, You're speedy with it!
Name each letter of SEEDS.
Sleep, Eat, Exercise, Doctors orders, Self-care: hygiene and hobbies
If you owned a mansion, who would you invite to live with you?