This capital is situated between Virginia and Maryland.
Washington D.C.
This planet is often called the jewel of the solar system because of its expansive ring system.
The River Seine flows through this European capital.
This planet is the largest in our solar system.
This ancient Mediterranean capital is known for its seven hills.
This organelle is responsible for cellular resperation
This icy object that makes a pass by Earth once every 76 years has been observed by humans for over a millennia.
Halley's Comet
Popularized in the early 20th century, this desert is named after its primary ingredient gelatin
This south pacific capital is well known for its rich Spanish colonial history.
This organelle in a plant cell is responsible for converting sunlight energy into glucose
This moon orbiting Jupiter is the largest in the solar system and is bigger than both Pluto and Mercury.
This capital sits along the Pacific Coast of South America and is definitely not a bean.
this general not type of ice cream led a army to the little big horn
General Custard
A build up of this acid in your muscles leads to fatigue and soreness
Lactic Acid
This moon orbiting Saturn is the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere.