This year ended the Civil War
What is 1865?
The Last name of the Director whose films include "The Witch", "The Northman" and "Nosferatu"
What is Eggers?
This man said "We have nothing to fear except fear itself"
Who is Franklin Roosevelt?
The only state to border the Pacific Ocean that has a double letter in its name
What is Hawaii?
The name of my father
What is Clifford?
This member of the Ba'ath party was hanged in Camp Justice, Iraq in 2006
Who is Saddam Hussein?
The last name of the man who created the periodic table
Who is Mendeleev?
This movie character said "Some men just want to watch the world burn"
Who is Alfred?
This famous arcade game was released in 1981
What is frogger?
The state in which I was born
What is Connecticut?
The location of a famous gunfight in which Wyatt Earp, and other lawmen, killed several outlaws
What is the O.K Corral?
These organic molecules are made by a reaction between a carboxylic acid and alcohol
What are esters?
This man is commonly attributed to have said "one death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic"
Who is Josef Stalin?
This movie won the 1995 Oscar's for best picture (for movies produced in 1994)
What is Forrest Gump?
The name of the town in Wales in which I lived for 6 years
What is Monmouth?
The year in which the biggest landslide in a presidential election occurred (by margin of victory in the electoral college)
What is 1984?
Co-author of the Communist Manifesto
Who is Engels?
This man said "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step"
Who is Lao Tzu?
The only word in the English language to have three consecutive pairs of double letters
What is bookkeeper?
The school which my two younger sisters attend and my Dad teaches at in Princeton, New Jersey.
What is Wilberforce?
This President Presided over the "Teapot Dome Scandal"
Who is Warren Harding?
This type of Heron comes in "Great" and "Snowy" varieties
What is Egret?
This World leader famously said "We will bury you" to ambassadors in 1956
Who is Nikita Khrushchev?
An Adjective that describes Western people or cultures
What is occidental?
The name of my second youngest sister
What is Anna?