What was the most common social system in medieval Europe called?
The French and Dutch drew their Protestantism chiefly from this theologian.
John Calvin.
Egypt was divided into these two kingdoms.
Upper and Lower Kingdoms
The first federal government was established under this document.
Articles of Confederation
The group that made the Tennis Court Oath.
Third Estate
What famous 15th century figure believed God had chosen them to lead France to victory in its long-running war with England?
Joan of Arc
This monarch reigned when the English Civil War broke out.
Charles I
What were the names of the two Persian Emperors that invaded Greece?
Darius and Xerxes
He was the first President to be impeached.
Andrew Johnson
Napoleon experienced his first military loss in this country.
Egypt (Battle of the Nile)
When the Roman Empire was split into two by Diocletian, this was the name of the Eastern Empire.
Byzantine Empire
Luther was condemned by this meeting.
Diet of Worms
A general under Alexander the Great, he took control of Egypt after Alexander's death.
The Compromise of 1820 was also known by this nickname.
Missouri Compromise
He was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety.
What man was crowned King of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas day in 800 AD?
The nickname of a segment of the English Parliament which abolished not only the monarchy but also the Privy Council and the House of Lords.
The Rump Parliament
The Tigris and Euphrates empty into this body of water.
Persian Gulf
Guantanamo Bay was captured by the United States during this war.
Spanish-American War
Bonds with values tied to church land sales eventually turned into paper currency.
What European city is believed to be the starting point of the Black Death's spread in the 14th century?
He famously declared: "I think; therefore, I am."
Rene Descartes
The code of Hammurabi was composed in this language / written text.
He is the youngest man to ever serve as President.
Theodore Roosevelt
Author of What is the Third Estate?
Abbe Sieyes