Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable
What is a fruit
What does NBA stand for?
What is National Basketball Association
What's the best-selling video game of all time?
What is Minecraft
What does Cinderella lose after the Prince's Ball?
What is her glass slipper
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
What is Leonardo Da Vinci
Canadians celebrate with a Thanksgiving dinner in which month of the year?
What is October
What color are the goal posts in football?
What is yellow
“Kingdom Of Hyrule" is the main setting for which classic video game franchise?
What is Zelda
What is the donkeys name in Shrek
What is Donkey
Which planet shares its name with a chemical element?
What is Mercury
What drink has the most antioxidants?
What is green tea
How long is a marathon?
What is 26.2 miles
What was the first Pokemon ever created?
What is Rhydon
Which Disney film does the song 'When You Wish Upon a Star' come from?
What is Pinocchio
Which is the world’s hottest chili pepper? (Double points for scoville units
What is a Carolina Reaper (1,641,300)
What is 500
In which sport are the terms "stale fish" and "mulekick" used?
What is snowboarding
Which was the first video game to be played in space?
What is Tetris
In the movie The Matrix, what is Neo's real name?
What is Thomas Anderson
Which fashion brand is known for its double “G” logo and fanciness?
What is Gucci
Which state was the first Pizza Hut built in?
What is Kansas
How long is the free skate in figure skating for men?
What is 4 and a half minutes
Nintendo began as a company that sold which products?
What is playing cards
What's the name of the skyscraper in Die Hard?
What is Nakatomi Plaza
What does the car company BMW stand for in English?
What is Bavarian Motor Works