Never drinks water unless sick
Who is the Quzz?
sorry I was eating toast-yays
Who is Katelyn?
Katelyn’s chill friend
Who is Ian?
When did we make Lego characters of each other?
What is on a mall trip before festival last year!
What was Lauren for Halloween last year?
What is Frat college guy?
Which Huzz likes their fanficts?
Side chicks always getting too big for their britches 🤷♀
Who is Ibby?
How many sleepovers have we had with all of us there? Not including Jaylen.
What is only two not including Jaylen?
We all dressed up in Wigs and suits and marched
What is Graduation ball in 2023?
Irelands favorite pizza 🍕
What is thin crust, pineapple pizza? 🍕
Which huzz has no money in their bank account?
What is Lauren’s huzz, the Juzz!
Kenneth’s drip is fire
Who is Lauren?
Ibby’s favorite color
What is blue?
When did Ireland walk on crutches with only one heel?
What is the big little party in 2023?
How many wives does ibby have? Name at least two
Who is Amelia? And Who is Ireland?
Who is Katelyn’s church huzz?
Who is Grayson?
I’m gonna be a father
Who is Katelyn?
How many living grandparents does Ireland have?
What is one? (Gg)
When did we all pile into Ibby’s car, Ireland on Katelyn’s lap?
What is Ibby’s birthday party in 2023?
The name of Katelyn’s church
What is Sugar Creek?
Whose huzz is a terrible texter?
Who is Irelands huzz, the kuzz?
Yeah, I am actually Christopher Columbus
Who is Ireland? 😘
Quinn’s favorite scent
What is cherry? (I bet ibby remembers this one)
When did we rock the all black fringe look, and our dance was sweet like honey.
What is Karma?
What is Irelands favorite books series?