This 192O amendment gave women the right to vote.
What is the 19th amendment.
The stock market crashed during this year.
What is 1929
The U.S. Entered the War after this event on December 7, 1941
What is the attack on pearl harbor.
This president promised a return to normalcy after the war.
Who is Warren G. Harding.
This form of music became popular in the 1920's, with artists like Louis Armstrong.
What is jazz?
A famous trial in 1925 about teaching evolution in schools featured this Tennessee teacher.
Who was John Scopes.
The names for shantytowns built by the homeless during the depression
What are Hoovervilles.
The U.S. dropped atomic bombs on these Japanese cities.
What is Nagasaki and Hiroshima
The only president to serve more than two terms.
Who is Franklin D Roosevelt.
This 1927 film was the first "talkie" marking the end of silent movies.
What is the Jazz Singer
The cultural Movement celebrated African American art, music, and literature.
What is the Harlem Renaissance
This president created the New Deal to combat the depression
Who is Franklin D. Roosvelt
This military operation was the Allied invasion of Normandy.
What is D-Day
This program signed into law in 1944, helped World War ll veterans attend college
What is the GI Bill
This famous aviator completed the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in 1927.
Who was Charles Lindbergh.
What is Prohibition
The Social Security Act benefited these people.
Who are the elderly, unemployed and disabled.
This conference in 1945 between the Allied leaders planned the post war world.
What is the Yalta conference.
President Truman ordered this in 1948, officially desegregating the military.
What is Executive order 9981.
This scientist led the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb.
Who was J. Robert Oppenheimer
the scandal during the Harding administration involved oil reserves and bribery.
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal
This New Deal program built dams and provided electricity to the rural south.
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority.
The forced relocation of Japanese Americans to camps during the war was known as.
What is Japanese interment.
This doctrine announced in 1947 aimed to stop the spread of communism.
What is the Truman Doctrine.
This suburban development in New York became the model for postwar housing
What is Levvitown.