Sometimes, things happen that we don’t expect. What is something that could surprise you today?
Seeing a bug, getting surprise candy, hearing a funny new joke, etc.
You get points as long as you thought of something!
Sometimes, we have to wait our turn. What is a place where people take turns waiting?
Playground, doctor's office, restaurant, store, etc.
What do you do when you sleep?
Carrie is walking and bumps into a chair by mistake.
What is the only mammal that can fly?
You go outside, and suddenly it starts raining! You didn’t know it would happen. What can you do?
Find a dry place, stay inside, play in the rain, jump in puddles, etc.
You're really hungry, but food isn’t ready yet. What is something fun you can do while you wait?
Playing, coloring, talk with someone, imagine something in your head, etc.
If you get rid of all the letters in the word "nothing," what do you have left?
Your friend takes a marker from your hands because they want to use it.
On purpose
This tiny bug is the world’s best jumper—it can jump 100 times its own height!
You go to the store to buy specific chocolate chips for cookies, but the kind you wanted is all gone! You didn’t expect this. What could you do?
Get a different type of chocolate chip, go to a different store, check again next time, etc.
You are in a long line at the store. You start feeling frustrated. What can you do to stay calm?
Take deep breaths, count to ten, look around the store for interesting things, think about something fun, etc.
How many letters are in the word "three"?
Mark spills his juice because his cup slipped out of his hands.
What sea creature can live forever by turning itself back into a baby?
Turritopsis dohrnii
Immortal jellyfish
A friend asks to play a different game than the one you were planning. What can you say to show you’re ready for surprises?
"I was expecting to play something else, but I'll try your game!"
Your friend is talking, and you want to say something, but it’s not your turn yet. What is a polite way to wait?
When someone is not talking, count to 3, then you can speak.
What's heavier? A pound of steel or a pound of feathers?
Neither, both weigh the same.
Henry trips and falls. You saw that another kid, Hans, stuck out his foot to make Henry fall.
On purpose
What animal can sleep for three years without eating?
No one can see the future, so surprises happen every day! What is a way to remind yourself that you can handle surprises?
"I can’t always know what will happen, but I can handle it."
"I can expect the unexpected!"
Or your own example!
Sometimes waiting feels impossible! What is a way to remind yourself that waiting is okay?
"Waiting is just a little time before I get what I want."
"I can do something while I wait."
Or another example!
What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?
Sammy got really upset and later found out that she hurt her friend. Sammy doesn’t remember doing it, but her friends and teachers say she did. Was it an accident or on purpose? What should she do?
Accident, because she didn’t mean to do it
She still needs to say sorry and help make it better
This animal can survive being frozen solid for months and then come back to life.
Wood frog