What do you do when you have something to say
what is raising a placard
Who won the Superbowl in both 2023 and 2024
What is the Kansas City Chiefs
What year was the United Nations founded
What is 1945
Where is the Eiffel Tower located
What is Paris, France
What do we say to open a meeting?
What is "motion to open"
Which singer inspired the "Brat Summer" trend
What is Charli XCX
How many Sustainable Development Goals are there
what is 17
What is the highest point on earth
What is Mount Everest
What is the parlimentary procedure?
what is a set of rules that run when and how to speak in meetings
Who is the current host of The Tonight Show
Who is Jimmy Fallon
How many members are in the United Nations
what is 193
What is the smallest country in the world
What is the Vatican
What do you say when you have a question
what is "Point of Inquiry"
Jerry learns he has a library fine for a book he checked out in 1971 and never returned in a Season 3 episode of what sitcom?
What is Seinfeld
Who is the Secretary General of the United Nations and what country is he from
Who is Antonio Guterres of Argentina
In what country would you find the Great Barrier Reef
What is Australia
What is a chair
Who won Album of the Year at the Grammys and what was the album called
What is Cowboy Carter by Beyonce
Who are the five permanent members of the United Nations
What is the United States, France, Great Britian, China, and Russia
What country lies roughly 90 miles of Florida
What is Cuba