We're no strangers to love
Never gonna give you up
Rick Astley
Name a type combo that has yet to be introduced in the franchise
Normal/Ice, Ice/Poison, Normal/Rock, Normal/Steel, Normal/Bug, Fire/Fairy, Ground/Fairy, Bug/Dragon, and/or Rock/Ghost
What Pokemon did Trip name after me in BDSP?
What animal is Trip from Sonic?
Sunglazer lizard
What Sonic character was originally dressed in pajamas in their concept art?
Dr Eggman
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
Linkin Park
What song was named the quickest in the music Jeopardy Skelly and Kirby played in?
Eye of the Tiger
Different Sonic media often give Eggman one or two notable minions but in Sonic X they gave him three robots with the third having a gimmick that he would deliver messages from Eggman with exploding TVs but what was his name?
What two Sonic characters were in their early development rabbits but had their species changed later on?
Sonic and Tangle
Sometimes freedom ain't nothin but missing you realizing what I had when you were mine
Back to December
Taylor Swift
What is Voltorb's Pokedex number when it comes to the National Dex?
Name the two things that will happen normally in a Trip stream that involves multiplayer game being played
Skelly dying and Trip complaining about Taeh
Who was the power type for Team Rose in Sonic Free Riders?
Vector the Crocodile
What Sonic character did Cristina Vee once mention would be a dream role for her?
Sally Acorn
Bless the rains down
What Gen 6 Pokemon has a Mega? (Not counting anything potentially introduced in Legends ZA)
Not involving coin flips, Giovanni, or type effectiveness what is the strongest attack in Pocket?
Crimson Storm
Which character had the least amount of stages in SA2?
Shadow the Hedgehog
Who is to blame for the fact that there is essentially two Sonic categories on this board?
Daily Double
Do you feel like a man when you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground?
What generation was Eevee relevant in the competitive scene? (Even if it was for a short period)
Gen 7 (Alola)
What is the current limit for the barracks in FEH?
What was the most recent song performed by Crush 40 that was used in a Sonic game as the main theme?
Sonic Boom for Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric/Shattered Crystal
Who is the oldest QB to start a NFL game?
Tom Brady