How many players are on the pitch?
What is 11 players.
Which dog breed "yodels" instead of barking?
What is the Basenji, a dog from Africa, yodels instead of barking.
What is the most popular social media platform?
What is Youtube.
There are about 83 million pet dogs in the U.S. How many pet cats are there?
What is 96 million.
What is the penalty for fighting in the NHL?
What is five minutes in the penalty box
What is Lionel Messi
What colors can dogs see?
How many Tiktok users are there globally?
What is TikTok has 1,925 billion users globally, with 170 million monthly active users in the United States
What color are kittens’ eyes when they are born?
What is blue.
Who scored a record 10 hat tricks in one NHL season?
What is Wayne Gretzky
What are the dimensions of a professional soccer pitch?
What is between 110 and 120 yards long, and 70 to 80 yards wide.
What is the smartest dog breed?
What is a Border Collie.
When was google created?
What is Google was founded on September 4, 1998, in Menlo Park, CA, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
How many hours do cats typically sleep in one day?
What is 12-16 hours.
What hockey speedster is nicknamed the Russian Rocket?
What is Pavel Bure
When was the first soccer match?
What is 1863
It was a tie, 0-0
What dog breed was bred to fight lions?
What is Rhodesian Ridgeback.
How many questions are asked on Google everyday?
What is more than 99,000 queries are processed each second, and 8.5 billion Google searches are made every day.
Which former president had a cat named “Socks” in the White House?
What is Bill Clinton
What is the Maurice Richard Trophy?
What is given to the player who scores the most goals during the regular season
Which country won the first ever FIFA World Cup in 1930?
What is Uruguay.
How many teeth does an adult dog have?
What is 42.
How many users are there on Snapchat?
Snapchat has 800 million monthly active users worldwide, including 414 million daily active users. On average, over 4.75 billion Snaps are created every day. Snapchat generated $4.61 billion in annual revenue in 2023.
How many bones do cats have in their bodies?
What is cats have 230 bones, a whopping 24 more bones than humans.
Who was the first defenseman to win to win the NHL- point scoring title?
What is Bobby Orr