The color or Mr. P's bowtie
what is red
The tallest animal in the world
What is a giraffe
The name of Cinderella's step sisters
Who are Anastasia and Drezella
The name of Annie's dog in Annie
Who is Sandy
The largest planet in our solar system
what is Saturn
The most popular chips brand
what is lays
The bird that can fly backwards
What is a humming bird
The name of the dog from Peter Pan
Who is Nana
The first disney musical on broadway
What is Beaty and the Beast
The type of animal that Harry Potter's pet is
What is an owl
Most popular Super Bowl snack
What is Tortilla chips
The animal that never sleeps
What is a bullfrog
The queen of hearts signature phrase
What is "Off With There Heads!"
The name of the university in Wicked
what is Shiz
The only solo musician that hit #1 every year of the 90's
who is Mariah Carey
Flavor of sweadish fish
What is lingonberry
A group of cats
what is a chowder
The name of the kingdom from Tangled
What is Corona
The amount of Von Trapp children there are
what is 7
the animal Friar Tuck is in Robin Hood (1973)
What is a Badger
The most popular Halloween candy
Reeses peanut butter cups
The type of fish that mates for life
What is a angelfish
The first animated disney movie
What is Snow White
The point in his life that Lin Manuel Miranda started to write "Dear Theodosia"
What is when he got his dog
The day the hungry caterpillar was born
when is Sunday