The color you wear on St. Patricks day
What is the color green
Leap Cordinator (Full Name)
Mr. Steven Martinez
What state do they call the Aloha State
What is Hawaii
this monster was created by a doctor
Who is Frankenstein
who's face is on the penny?
Who is Abraham Lincoln
a Dish you eat on St. Patricks day
What is corned beef cabbage
Assistant coordinator (Full name)
Ths city is nicked named the city of angels
what is Los Angeles
What is the name of the movie about Rapunzel
What is Tangled
another name for Fall
The day of St Patricks day
What is March 17th
Front desk clerk's name
MS. Diana
what is the nick name for Ney York city?
what is the big apple
What is the fish's name in the Little mermaid
Who is flounder
This bird is known for it's beautiful tail
What is a peacock
a cereal that correlate's with St. Patricks day
What is Lucky Charms
7th grade Leader's name's
Mr. Jose
Mr. Alec
Mr. Gaberiel
What is nicked named the windy city
What is chicago
How mny fingers does mickey mouse have
The art of Japanese paper folding is
what is Origami
the character that pinches you
What is a Leprechaun
8th grade Leader's names
Ms. Samantha
Ms. Destinie
Ms. Gabby
What is nicked name the lone star state
What is Texas
What is the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2
AL's Toy barn
this is the date that we celebrate Veterans day
What is November 11th