who is Daddy's craziest "Friend"
Coleman Gillory
what does NBA stand for
National Basketball Association
Why do flamingos stand on one leg?
a) To nap
b) To stay cool
c) To balance food
d) To signal danger
what can be caught but not thrown
a cold
what 2 people does Carlee like right now?
Knox and Beckett
who in the family (just us 4) is the least clean/organized.
You may think Averee, but it is daddy. The amount of soda and in the house is unbelievable and just look at the side of his bed!
where will 2028 Olympics be held?
Los Angeles
what is always coming but never arrives
what does Carlee want to be when she is older
a physical therapist for kids
which one of Averee and I's friends is the funniest?
will accept multiple answer:
Charlotte,lilly,Ashley,Emma t.
what is the only sport to be played on the moon
a round of golf
TRUE OR FALSE - The color orange is named after the fruit.
what is full of holes, but still holds water
what is Carlee's life goals.
Answer can include:
have about 6 kids, have a husband, work at children's with momma, have a side job of photography or smth with cricut, and be able to nurse mommy and daddy when they become old and crippled.
who is the goofiest on both sides of the family?(2 answers)
2 answers:
Jackson and Brady
What team won 3 Super Bowls in the 1990s?
Dallas Cowboys
What is Cynophobia the fear of?
A woman shoots her husband, then holds him underwater for five minutes. Next, she hangs him. Right after, they enjoy a lovely dinner. Explain.
She took a picture of him and developed it in her darkroom.
what is Carlees average grade in school right now?
What is the most unusual or memorable meal that a family member has prepared?
Carlee's sponge cake!
What is the maximum number of points you can score in a game of bowling
What sport is known as "the beautiful game"?
Soccer (football)
What is something that you have but you can't touch, you can change whenever you want and you use everyday but have never seen me
your mind
what is Carlees biggest ick AND fear
ick-rain water touching me
fear-someone breaking into the house and killing me or my family or pets