Social Studies
Journeys Stories and Inferences
It is the first P in the PREP reading strategy.
What is Preview and Predict?
You should always do this to the first letter of a sentence.
What is capitalize it?
What is 57-39?
What is 18?
Why do Americans celebrate Veteran's Day?
What is to celebrate the men and women who served in the military?
Name 3 examples of Super Storms.
What are tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards?
You write notes in the margin next to each paragraph. By doing, so you are using this part of the PREP reading strategy.
What is Read and Take Notes?
Sentences should always end with a question mark, an exclamation point, or a ____________.
What is a period?
What is 87-49
What is 38?
What two groups of people met for the first Thanksgiving?
What are the Pilgrims and the Indians?
A: Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in? B: I think so. Some of these people already have tickets. A: How much are the tickets? B: Only nine dollars for the first show. I’ll pay. A: Thanks. I’ll buy the popcorn. (Where are these two people?)
They are at the movie theater.
When you summarize what you read, you should write about these 5 things?
What are the 5 W's?
A sentence should have, at the very least, a subject and a _________.
What is a verb?
The Astros had 5 runs scored in the 8th inning. However, they scored a total of 17 runs. How many runs did they score in other innings?
What are 12 runs?
What was the date of the first Thanksgiving?
What is 1620.
A: When did this happen? B: Yesterday. I was playing soccer and I fell down. A: Can you move it at all? B: Only a little. A: Can you walk on it? B: No. It hurts too much. A: I think we’ll have to take an X-ray. B: Will I be able to play in the game tomorrow? A: I’m afraid not. (Where are these people?)
At the doctor or at the hospital.
When you read non-fiction, then most likely you are going to read a lot of ____________.
What are facts?
The first sentence of your paragraph should be the main sentence that presents your topic. This is simply called a __________ sentence.
What is a topic?
A pitcher threw the ball 95 miles per hour in the first inning. However, by the last inning, he threw the ball only 79 miles per hour. How many miles per hour did he slow down by in last inning?
What is 16 miles per hour slower?
Why do we celebrate Columbus Day?
He was the first European to discover the Americas. (This is debatable, as some historians believe he was not the first. Also, he never landed in America.)
The boy looked at the dog collar on the road. He looked up to see the dog running away. His shoulders were slumped over, he looked at the ground, and kicked the dirt. How does this boy feel?
What is sad, angry, upset, or frustrated?
Sometimes, in non-fiction, the author will give you his or her ______ about a topic.
What is an opinion?
A good paragraph not only has a topic sentence, but it should also have these two E words.
What are examples and explanations?
The shop sold a total of 110 candy apples. 65 apples were sold in the morning. How many were sold in the afternoon?
What are 45?
Who were the first people to live in what is today called the United States of America?
What are Native Americans?
It is a good way to learn new vocabulary. It has four parts. Name 3 of them.
What is 4 square vocabulary--definition, example, sentence, and draw a picture