Who is Shawn?
Yellow Mascott
what is Pikachu?
Used for moving leaves
what is Rake?
Throwing discs
what is Ryan's Frisbee's?
Making Robots
what is BuildNBattle?
Who is Gabby?
If the flame goes out, this pokemon faints
what is Charmander?
Someone who is in control
what is Ruler?
8-bit pokemon
what is David's Snorlax?
Painting ceiling tiles
what is Art Adventures?
Who is Carter or Cooper Bell?
Can transform into any other pokemon
what is Ditto?
what is Rumor(s)?
plushie hanging from a ceiling
what is Simon's Sloth?
No boys allowed
what is Girls Club?
Who is Autumn Watson?
The Axe Jaw pokemon, Dragon type
what is Haxorus?
Makes up the Earth
what is Rock?
Feline Tapestry
what is Alicia's Cat Tapestry?
Rolling dice and going through dungeons
what is Pathfinder?
Who is Zayden Barnes?
god of all pokemon
who is Arceus?
What you can ice skate in
what is Rink?
Poster for a videogame
what is David's Lego Star Wars Poster?
Rolling a ball for points
what is Bowling?