its signature color is neon yellow
what is a highlighter?
this tool measures temperature
what is a thermometer?
there are 101 of these dogs in a famous movie
what are dalmatians?
pisces is represented by this element
what is water?
Mario typically has to rescue her
who is Peach?
mechanical pencils wouldn't work without this
what is graphite (lead)?
this planet, the hottest in our solar system, gets to a massive 800+ degrees fahrenheit
what is Venus?
this dog breed is commonly a sled dog and has blue eyes
what is a husky?
this sign is symbolized by a lion
what is leo?
this purple man is seen as Luigi's nemesis
who is Waluigi?
these square items are perfect for little reminders
what are post-it notes?
water boils at this temperature in celsius
what is 100 degrees?
this friendly dog is known for "retrieving" things
what is a golden retriever?
sagittarius is represented by this element
what is fire?
this character is the leader of the ghosts in the mario series
who is King Boo?
it sounds like a weapon, and it could burn you!
what is a hot glue gun?
the human body's average temperature is this (in fahrenheit)
what is 98.6?
this dog breed, often black & brown, is commonly a police or army dog
what is a german shepherd?
this sign is symbolized by a crab
what is cancer?
you may think this character is afraid to socialize...
who is Shy Guy?
liquid tape allowing you to "erase" errors
what is white-out?
water freezes at this temperature in celsius
what is 0 degrees?
"weiner dogs" are really this breed
what is a dachshund?
someone's birthday is August 28th, so their zodiac sign is...
what is virgo?
this wizard is a magikoopa who causes trouble in many of the games
who is Kamek?