Best know for is role as Marvel superhero, Captain America
Chris Evans
3 strikes in a row in bowling
A turkey
The worlds most expensive spice
Played by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight
The Joker
Italian Explorer know for discovering America
Christopher Columbus
Most consecutive Stanley Cup wins
Montreal Canadians
this is the most widely used spice
Black pepper
Superman’s birth name
Winnie-the-Pooh’s best friend
Christopher Robin
Babe Ruth put this under his hat to keep cool during baseball games
Cabbage leaf
This spice is derived from the bark of a variety of Laurel tree. It is commonly used in baking
Tony Starks’ AI assistant
Coming from the German word ChrisKindl, meaning Christ Child
Kris Kringle
Major League Baseball Umpires are required to wear this colour of underwear during games
Considered the national spice of Hungary
Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing are all members of this group
Fantastic Four
Vocalist, Pianist and co-founder of the rock band Coldplay
Chris Martin
Olympic event that only occurred during 1900 - 1920
Tug of War
This common baking spice, is from the unripe berry of the Pimenta dioica tree. It is also the main ingredient for jerk seasoning
know as the God of Mischief