Black Panthers African country name
What Country is the Second biggest in the world
What country does Wimbledon take place in
What bird has the biggest wingspan
What does 420 mean
Drug Bust
What breakfast food does Donkey want to make with Shrek
District of Columbia
What is 4 strikes in Bowling called
What is the only Mammel that can fly
Who is Known as the Commander in Chief
Who is the First kid the Oompa Loompas sing About
Augustes Gloop
Kabul is the Capital of which country
The Triple Crown award is given to a horse that wins which three matches
Kentucky Preakness and Belmont
What Bird can fly the highest at 37,000 feet
Ruppell's Griffon Vulture
Lyon, France is home to what border-spanning law enforcement Agency
What is the name of the Skyscraper in Die Hard
Nakatomi Plaza
What Ocean lies between Africa and Australia and South of Asia
What Driving event is held every Memorial Day
Indy 500
What Animal Sleeps up to 22 hours a day
NCIS stands for
Naval Criminal Investigation Service
What Hollywood star plays himself in Zombieland
Bill Murray
What is the largest country in Scandinavia
What is Tiger Woods real Name
What is the Deadliest Animal in the world
Who Controls the FBI
Attorney General