The sport Michael Jordan plays
What is basketball
What country is to the south of USA
What is Mexico
The largest rodent on Earth
What is a Capybara
The number of bones in the human body
What is 206
Where is the next World Cup being held
What is United States/Canada/Mexico
The name of the iconic marble mausoleum found in India
In which sport do you use the word 'bunker'
What is Golf
Another name for a tidal wave
What is a Tsunami
The name of the country that Algeria was a colony to
What is France
An elephant has 400,000 of what in its trunk
What are muscles
The number of teeth in adulthood
What is 32
The most frequently sold item at Walmart
What is a banana
The number of taste buds on your tongue
Spinach is high in this mineral
What is iron