Who is Ash Pokémon partner?
this is the home of the wooded roller Coaster El Toro
Six Flags Great Adventure
what is the first Holiday of the year?
New Year Day
Can you Play Games on Netflix
you can get this at Dunkin
what Poke ball allow you to catch any Pokémon without fail?
Master Ball
Mariah Carey did a music video "Fantasy" at this theme park
Rye Playland
what is the only holiday that don't have a set date
A TV show about kids fighting Karate
Cobra Kai
the snack that smiles back
This Pokémon game came out in 2016 where you can actually capture Pokémon in the real world?
Pokémon go
Sesame Place
what holiday celebrates Santa Clause?
who play Number 11 on stranger things
Millie Bobby Brown
what is this
Iced Honey Bun
How many Pokémon are in the Kanto region?
This is the House of Mouse
Disney World/Land
This holiday starts the Mid-winter recess
Presidents' Day
what was the first Netflix original show
House Of Cards
what are these
what are the only Pokémon games where you can explore 2 different regions?
Pokémon Silver/Gold/Crystal
What was the original name for Luna Park?
Daily Double: A Holiday that for planting trees
Arbor Day
what are some ways to watch Netflix
TV/Smart Phones/ Game Consoles/ Computers
what are these
Sour Starburst