It's the perfect soundtrack to accompany one of this game's most cherished mechanics, appropriately featured in the song's title.
Rocket Jump Waltz - Mike Morasky
(Team Fortress 2)
5-Volt, Noel Vermillion, Ladybug
Cristina Valenzuela
(Also accepted: Cristina Vee)
What if 1970's America ruined everything with nuclear war in the 2070's?
Five legendary fish roam this land, residing in the rainy mountain lake, the bright ocean blue, the autumn town stream, the frozen forest river, and...the sewers?
Stardew Valley
Dragonball is very loosely based on this famous Ming Dynasty-era literary work about a monkey king born from a rock. Dragonball Z promptly throws this out the window by introducing aliens.
(Journey to the West)
Good Chum Holly
Buddy Holly
Rules of Nature - Jason Charles Miller
(Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
2B, Jolyne Cujoh, Hiyoko Saionji
Kira Buckland
What if you had to go on three (3) dates(?) to bring about world peace?
Sure, fish can sell for a bundle, but why not help out your local museum by donating your catch instead? Although, it's a good thing none your fellow villagers are fish...
Animal Crossing
It's an un-flattering pejorative within the fighting game community that is conferred to characters with savage, reckless playstyles. The apes by the same name, however, are anything but.
Don't let the intro fool you, it's just the calm before the police assault storm.
Razormind - Simon Viklund
(Payday 2)
Vaseraga, Hwang, Lysanderoth
SungWon Cho
(Also accepted: ProZD)
What if you had to save the future of all androids in America through the power of quick-time events?
Detroit: Become Human
Being tricked into playing a rhythm game in order to catch fish is a chore, but master it and you shall be rewarded with...a meager amount of experience points. Also, you will appease a tiny green lady.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
The sixth Kong in the DK rap, who is asked to "take it to the fridge" right before everything explodes.
Cranky Kong
It's the song that plays when you fight the embodiment of Death in the climax of this game. Just don't let them hijack your party healer.
Battle Hymn of the Soul - Shoji Meguro
(Persona 3)
Erica Lindbeck
What if you were fighting in a war and it just started raining Gundams?
You can fish up just about anything in this game: frog legs, crates, furniture, even a super hard boss fight!
He's the primary playable primate persona in Don't Starve Together, and also the only one able to run on all fours.
Auspicious Boy
Fortunate Son
Bosses with multiple stages are neat, but how about boss music with multiple stages?
_n C_rcl_s - Darren Korb
Saitama, Troy Calypso, Forrest Fire Emblem
Max Mittelman
What if you sacrificed thousands of soldiers' lives and lost millions in military hardware, but it didn't matter because in the end, we all had fun?
Advance Wars
As if fishing would ever go out of style, even in the futuristic interplanetary alien society. Better yet, you get to use a spear!
In partnership with 20th Century Fox and their film Planet of the Apes, Plague Inc. debuted this deadly pathogen in 2014, which also infects apes and drastically increases their intelligence.
Simian Flu
(Be Not Afraid of) Death Man
(Don't Fear) The Reaper