2 + a = 6
A= _____
What is 4
A tennis game with one person on each side
What is a singles match
Number of miles in a kilometer
What is 0.6
Which social media foundation was founded in 2004
What is Facebook
Movie character who uttered the phrase that many think sums up the go-go 80s: "Greed is good"?
Who was Gordon Gekko
(3X3) + 2 +4=
What is 15
A football end zone is this length
What is 10 yards
Scandanavia is where to Europe, position wise
What is North
Which artist sang "its getting hot in here" in 2002
Who is Nelly
Video by Pat Benetar featuring "women of the night", in which Pat and her "crew" bust out in a dance during the final confrontation?
What is Love is a Battlefield
Next prime number after 7
What is 11
Former NBA player who had a starring role in the movie Airplane
Who was Kareem Abdul Jabbar
The Euro tunnel links these 2 countries
What is England and France
The highest grossing movie of the decade
What is Avatar
First woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987?
Who was Aretha Franklin
The perimeter of a circle is also know as the
What is a circumference
Term used to describe when a golfer gets an 8 on a hole
What is a snowman
Largest country in South America
What is Brazil
Year the first IPod was released
What is 2001
Your buddy from work shows up, dressed head-to-toe in radical '80s wear. His sneakers are interesting. Which brand of running shoes did Run DMC make popular by featuring them in their music video "Walk This Way"?
What are Adidas
It comes after a miliion, billion and trillion
What is a quadrillion
First US Volleyball player to win 3 Olympic gold medals
Who is Karch Kiraly
Which country contains the Biblical rivers of the Tigris and the Euphrates?
What is Iraq
Celebrity who shaved her head in a now infamous meltdown in 2007
Who is Brittany Spears
Film starring Val Kilmer with a group of smart kids who turn a professor's house into a gigantic popcorn cooker?
What is Real Genius