Unit 3
Lesson 11
Unit 3
Lesson 12
Living Our Faith
The Beatitudes
(True Happiness)
We Know Our Sacraments

The goodness or evil of our actions is called



Our __________ is our God-given inner voice that lets us know what is morally right or wrong.

Conscience - (like our GPS)


True or False: We can use prayers like the Our Father and Hail Mary, and we can also use our own words to talk to God.

TRUE - God always loves when we talk to him!


"Blessed are the poor in ________, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

A. money

B. spirit

C. faith

D. jewelry


(people who know they aren't perfect and we need Jesus)


You should only go to Confession if you do something really bad, such as a mortal sin.

FALSE - God wants us to go to Confession often!


God's gift of the freedom and ability to choose to cooperate with His plan for us is called

Free will


True or False: We don't have to practice virtues because we're born with them.

FALSE - We have to practice them to keep them! It's like exercising a muscle to stay strong :)


True or False: We should always follow what our heart tells us to do. If something feels right, it must be right.

FALSE - Our heart is easily manipulated. We should listen to God instead!


"Blessed are the _________, for they will be shown mercy."

A. priests

B. friendly

C. merciful

D. animals


If you forgive others, God will forgive you :)


In the Sacrament of ________, we become children of God, are freed from Original Sin, and become temples of the Holy Spirit.



"Do to others as you would have them do to you" is known as the ________ Rule.



The Cardinal Virtue of __________ is closest to bravery.



We shouldn't talk to our friends about God because they might get annoyed or make fun of us.

FALSE - God wants us to spread the Good News of Jesus, especially when it's hard!


"Blessed are the __________, for they will be called children of God."

A. perfect children

B. schoolteachers

C. holy priests

D. peacemakers



In the sacrament of _______, we are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

(Hint: Not Baptism)



Our God-given desire to be in right-relationship with God, others, and ourselves is called

Natural Law


The Sermon on the Mount, also known as the __________, is at the heart of Jesus' teachings and His instructions on how to be happy.
(Hint: See page 112)



True or False: You are not expected to follow your conscience until you receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

FALSE - We all are called to follow our conscience, even today!


"Blessed are the ____ in heart, for they will see God."

A. pure

B. big

C. jolly

D. funny



The sacrament in which baptized men are ordained to serve the Church as deacons, priests, and bishops is called

Holy Orders


Danny is really good at math. He knows that his friend, Mark, didn't study for their math test because Mark was sick. Danny lets Mark cheat off of him during the test, so that Mark can get a good grade. Did Danny do the right thing? Why or why not?

No - Even though Danny's intention was good (to help his friend), his objective (cheating) was bad.


Richard is in college and needs to choose between being a lawyer and being a teacher. He feels an inner calling to be a teacher, but he knows he would make a lot more money as a lawyer. His society tells him that he would be happier if he's rich, so he chooses to be a lawyer. Did Richard make the right choice? Why or why not?

No - He chose money over his conscience


Jayden is in the cafeteria with his class. Before eating lunch, he says a quick prayer to thank God for his food. Jayden's classmates notice this and make fun of him. Jayden chooses to never pray before lunch again, because he's scared people might make fun of him again.

Did Jayden do the right thing? If not, what could he have done instead?

No - Jayden could have told an adult and told his classmates to stop. Also, Jesus wants us to follow Him, especially when it's hard!


“Blessed are you when people _______ you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."

A. are nice to

B. forget

C. insult

D. hug


God loves when we're loyal to him, especially when it's hard! <3


If you were baptized as a baby, you can be baptized again as an adult if you ask the Catholic Church.

No - Catholics believe in only 1 Baptism
