It was call the land flowing with
Milk and Honey
Can we invited a Bible Student to "observe" the field ministry?
No - the must be approved as an unbaptized publisher -W18 April QR
Four things make Worship acceptable - Recipient, manor, motive and
Quality - must be our best
In his letter to the Hebrews Paul call the Bible God's word that exerts
Jehovah's 4 principle attributes are
Love, Power, Wisdom, and Justice
Neither Aaron or Moses entered the Land because of what even in Numbers 27?
They failed to sanctify Jehovah before the eyes of the people
Is it proper to repost JW publication on the internet?
No - copywritten and apostates among reasons
The River Chebar was located here
Babylon ( 500 miles from Jerusalem)
Who was used to write the most Bible Books?
The Apostle Paul (15) Moses wrote 6
Jehovah is humble and Modest
Humble yes, Modest no
Modesty is awareness of our limitations Jehovah has none. - see CL p 210 par 6
How many spies were sent into the land?
How long did Job suffer?
It may have occurred over a few months or [erhaps less than a year. w8/15 QR
What was Satan's goal in tempting Jesus in Matthew chapter 4
How many resurrections in the Bible?
Why do we need Jehovah's patience?
2 Peter 3:9 necessary for salvation
The spies reported 'men of extraordinary size" called
Anakim (Numbers 13:21,28,32)
Can we pray for the vindication of Jehovah's name or only his sovereignty?
Yes -A clarified understanding was presented at the 2017 annual meeting. The chairman stated: “Simply put, it’s not wrong to say that we pray for the vindication of Jehovah’s name because his reputation certainly needs to be exonerated.”—See the January 2018 program on®. Look under LIBRARY > JW BROADCASTING®.
Cain sacrifice was not acceptable because
Lack of motive - no faith
Beside Jehovah resurrecting Jesus, how many humans performed this miracle in the Bible?
Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul and Jesus
According to Nehemiah the quality of Jehovah is our stronghold
Nehemiah 8:10
What year did the Joshua lead the nation into the promised land? - It was a sabbath year
1513 left Egypt, and 40 years later- the calendar was counting back
Are the Great Crowd of Revelation 7 and the Other Sheep of John 10 different?
Yes - note
Yes, though we should not be unduly sensitive or word overly word conscious about usage or be upset if someone uses the terms interchangeably -The Other Sheep is a broader term
The last time we had a publication studying Ezekiel was this book released in 1971
Know Jehovah, -(The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah”—How?)
Besides Greek and Hebrew, Aramaic was also a language used, what books were at least in Part Aramaic?
Parts of the books of Ezra, Jeremiah, and Daniel were written in Aramaic. (glossary)
Not Esther
How did Jehovah show reasonableness in Exodus 32:9,10 when not exterminating the nation of Israel?
After Moses spoke Jehovah began to reconsider the calamity in verse 14