True or False
Make a List (Steal)
Life Skills
Growth Mindset

True or False: If it's false, please correct the statement.

If you need to go to the bathroom, you should just get up and leave the room without telling anyone.

False- you need to ask an adult if it is an okay time to go to the bathroom

Make a list of summer activities you participated in over the summer

swim, water slides, camping, etc.


I cut the juicy piece of steak with my fork.

I cut the juicy piece of steak with my knife.


What does each color on a stop light mean?  What action should a driver take at each color?

1. Green- go keep driving

2. Yellow- proceed with caution-slow down

3. Red- Stop- put brakes on and stop car from moving


In your own words, what is a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset?

Hint: In this classroom, we focus on a growth mindset :)  One that does not limit your options.  

Growth Mindset- With hard work and a positive attitude anything can be achieved.

Fixed Mindset- We were all born a certain way and there is no way to change it.


True or False: If it's false, please correct the statement.

Even though there is a school rule of no phones, you should bring yours to class and use it whenever you want.

False: You may bring your phone to class ONLY when Mrs. Swarthout (or another adult in this room) tells you it is okay.  Otherwise, you will lose your phone privileges in our room.


Words related to the subject: School

science, books, ruler, etc.


Please use the toothbrush to clean the counter.

Please use the sponge to clean the counter.


In your pocket you have 3 quarters, 2 dime and 3 nickles and 4 penny. 

If an intense vanilla milk costs $1.26, do you have enough for one?  If not, how much more would you need... for a piece of candy and points!

No, you do not have enough money to buy an intense vanilla milk.  You only have $1.14. 


Why is there power in the word YET?

I may not be able to do something YET, but if I work hard and utilize my resources, I can accomplish my goals.


True or False: If it's false, please correct the statement.

We have a candy jar in our room.  The candy is for good behavior or a job well done.  You are NOT allowed to help yourself or ask for a piece.  We may just give you a piece to be nice, but you can't ask or help yourself.



Things you might see in an aquarium.

fish, octopus, jellyfish, etc.


Billy has to cook Thanksgiving dinner.  He preheats the microwave and gets ready to put the turkey in the oven.

Billy has to cook Thanksgiving dinner.  He preheats the oven and gets ready to put the turkey in the oven.


Explain the process (in detail), of the correct method for brushing your teeth.

For a piece of candy, how many times a day should you brush your teeth?


How can you change this statement to make it a growth mindset?

I can't ride my bike.  I hate this!

Riding my bike has been very challenging.  I will keep practicing and be able to ride my bike with hard work.


True or False: If it's false, please correct the statement.

Hint: Don't let me trick you :)

When you have good behavior, you will be allowed to play our behavioropoly board.  When playing this board, you get an opportunity to pick out of the prize bin, eat lunch with the teachers, earn a candy or snack... plus more.  However, you should really be mean to others and not do your work, because then you will be able to roll more.

True for the behavioropoly board.  False for behavior.  Good behavior results in 2 rolls and extremely good behavior results in bonus spins- so 2 plus spins :)


What tools would you need to be an auto mechanic?

cars, wrench, lift, etc.


Evan was getting ready for his first home football game.  He put on his equipment and kicked the soccer ball with his teammate.

Evan was getting ready for his first home football game.  He put on his equipment and threw the football with his teammate.


What are 3 strategies (coping skills) can do you use when you are stressed out?

Bonus: Free roll on the behavioropoly, which strategy works best for you and why?

1. deep breathing

2. listen to music

3. rub your ears


How can you change this statement to make it a growth mindset?

How come all of my friends can play football, but I can't! I am terrible at throwing the ball.

I see my friends playing football.  It looks like fun.  I am not able to throw a ball, yet, but I will practice until I am better.


True or False: If it's false, please correct the statement.

Ms. Adam brought in a refrigerator.  We will store snacks and drinks in the refrigerator and a drawer in the filing cabinet. If you are feeling hungry, you are more than welcome to ask for a snack and grab something with your name on it.  Anything in a grab and go food bin are free for the taking, whenever you need some food.



Foods and Drinks that are green

lettuce, beans, shamrock shake, etc.


Please use the poopy scooper when walking the puppy.  I do not want to her to run away.

Please use the leash when walking the puppy.  I do not want to her to run away.


What are 2 things you might need to do before going to a grocery store?

1. make a list

2. cut out coupons


How can you change this statement to make it a growth mindset? Don't let me trick you!

I am really nervous about my test today.  I studied hard and feel pretty confident.  I am going to try my best!

It's already in a growth mindset :)
