An EUROPEAN country that contains two of the same letters in a row?
What is Russia, Greece, Andorra?
The animal has the biggest eye/eyes.
What is a Giant squid?
What is the Capital in the United Kingdom?
What is London?
When ist the WWII?
When is 1939-1945?
When was Qin Shi Huang born?
When is 2/18/459 bc?
An EUROPEAN country that contains the letter Z.
What is Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, and Czech Republic?
The animal has the biggest nose.
What is a Goblin shark?
What is the capital in Finland?
What is Helsinki?
When is WWI?
When is 1914-1918?
What name has the new dwarfplanet in our solarsystem?
What is the Goblin
A country that ends with an R.
What is East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Madagascar, Myanmar Niger, and Qatar?
Animal has the best memory.
What is Clark's nutcracker bird?
Capital in Canada?
What is Ottawa?
When was Napoleon born?
When is 8/15/1769?
Who made "The best Jeopardy in the history"?
Who is Laurits and Jonathan?
Which US state is Tallahassee capital in?
What is Florida?
The animal has the biggest ears.
What is an Elephant?
What is the capital in Belarus?
What is Minsk?
When did Denmark join the EU?
When is 10/2/1972?
Is this the best Jeopardy in history?
What is no, because this is not a Jeopardy, but a question?
A country that contains the letters au that is NOT Australia or Austria that don't necessarily have to start with the letter.
What is Mauritania, Mauritius, Nauru, Palau, Saudi Arabia, and Guinea Bissau?
The animal has the strongest jaw.
What is an Alligator?
What is the capital in Mongolia?
What is Ulan Bator?
When did the US drop Little Boy from a plane?
When is 9/6/1945 8:15?
What is the minimum time the player has to fall to take damage in code language?