Main Idea
Making Inferences

What is the theme?                                                               Sarah didn't play with Laila, the new girl in her class, at recess. No one did. Laila had come to their school after winter break. Then one day, the teacher put Sarah and Laila together as partners on a class project. At first Sarah was nervous about working with someone so different, but then they began to talk. Sarah invited Laila over after school to work on the project and see her shell collection. The girls worked well together.
The next day, Laila invited Sarah over for dinner. The girls got an A on their project, but even better, they became good friends.

Don't judge people before you get to know them.


Fill in the Blank:

_____________occurs when the writer gives hints or ideas that something more is to come.



What is the main idea of this passage? 

I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!

The author enjoys spending time with his family


Edward was running as fast as he could. He could hear Jacob's footsteps close behind him. He tried to run faster, but it was no use. Within seconds, Jacob was by his side, and then ahead of him. A moment later both boys collapsed under the old oak tree in front of the school.

What were Edward and Jacob doing?

A. The two were playing football

B. Edward and Jacob were having a race.

B. Edward and Jacob were having a race.


What punctuation belongs at the end of this sentence? 

Bobs going to Target after school

Period .


What is the theme?

Rylie’s family lived next door to a very grumpy old lady named Mrs. O. Mrs. O was always yelling at Rylie’s family. One day, Rylie was playing in the front yard when Mrs. O dropped a whole bag of groceries. Rylie rushed to help. The next day, Mrs. O called Rylie over to her house. At first, Rylie was a little scared. But Mrs. O just wanted her to help get some boxes down from the attic. After that, Rylie started helping Mrs. O around the house. The two of them became very close.  The years passed and Rylie grew up and went to college. Whenever she came home, she always made sure to visit Mrs. O. One day, Rylie got a letter from a lawyer. Mrs. O had died in her sleep. Rylie was sad, but also surprised. The letter said that Mrs. O had thousands of dollars in the bank and she left it all to Rylie.

Treat people with kindness. 


Jahkari cranked up his car and headed toward work. He had to be extra careful  due to the bone-chilling temperature and earlier rainfall. A sheet of ice was blanketing the road, but the car in front of him was going to slow. So he tried to pass it and spun into a ditch.

What does this passage foreshadow?

  1. That Jahkari will start to drive slower and more  careful

  2. Jahkari is going to buy a snowmobile for the winters. 

1. That Jahkari will start to drive slower and more  careful


I have a dog whose name is Max. He is almost 10 years old. Max is very loveable with a brown face and short black fur. He is one of my best friends. He plays with me, sleeps with me, and goes on walks with me. I am so glad to have him around. I love him.

The writers dog is an important part of his life. 


Callie picked herself off the pavement and checked herself over for injuries. No blood, and nothing seemed to be broken. Good thing she was wearing her pads and helmet. She walked over to the skateboard that was laying upside down a few feet away, popped it right side-up with her foot, and rode away.

Why was Callie on the pavement?

A. She fell off the skateboard

B. She fell off her bike

A. She fell off the skateboard


How many vowels are in this sentence? 



Ben had wanted to be a writer for as long as he could remember. In fifth grade his school had a short story contest. He won first prize, which came with a check for $100, his classmates kept saying how lucky he was. Ben continued to write through middle school. In high school he took every English and writing class that he could. Ben worked hard in college. He became the editor of the college newspaper. Toward the end of his senior year,
one of his writing instructors told his class about well-known magazine that
was looking to hire a junior writer. Ben worked for hours on his application letter. Ben 
impressed the editors and got the job. “Man, how did you get so lucky?"
asked one of his classmates. “Luck has nothing to do with it." replied Ben.

You make your own luck


Work hard


Travis inched his way along the trail after hearing what he thought was a bear. He wasn’t sure, but the growl seemed to be loud for a coyote. In fact, it was more of a roar. Then, Travis heard heavy footsteps coming toward her. 

What does this passage foreshadow? 

1. The sound was actually from a train

2. Danger will occur 

Danger will occur


What is the main idea of this passage? 

Water changes states as it moves between the atmosphere, land, and bodies of water on Earth. The water cycle starts when water falls from the sky. It can fall as rain or even snow. After falling from the sky, water sits in puddles on the ground or in other bodies of water. Think about what happens on a hot day. Rain that falls from the sky after a storm disappears after a few hours or days. Water evaporates. This means that it changes from a liquid to a gas. Water that does not change form seeps down into underground wells. The entire cycle repeats.

Water changes as it goes through the water cycle.


Mom made sandwiches and put them into the basket, along with some fruit and chips. Dad grabbed the big checkered blanket and Robby got the Frisbee. Then the whole family piled into the car and headed out.

Where was the family going?

The family is going on a picnic.


What is a supporting detail in a paragraph?

They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea. 


What is the definition of theme? 

the main message, life lesson, moral of a story


Jacob turned 18 right before graduating from high school. His father asked him what his plans were for the summer and fall. Jacob said, “I was hoping to take it easy and play lots of video games.”

What does this passage foreshadow? 



Jacob’s father will tell him to get a job or go to school even if he doesn't want to. 




What is the main idea?                                             

Scientists are not sure of all the causes of tornadoes. Tornadoes happen when a cold wind high up meets warmer air and warmer winds lower down. This causes the winds to swirl and the warmer air from below rushes upwards at terrific speed. As the tornado moves forward, this warm wind rushing upwards can pick up any objects in its path


How tornadoes are formed.


Jake and Tim sat quietly next to each other, each thinking his own thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard, he nearly dropped it. "You got one!" exclaimed Tim excitedly. "Reel him in slowly."

What did Jake have?

Jake had a fish on his fishing pole line.


Spell this word: 




How is the theme of stories/movies/music/art  useful in your own life?



It teaches you life lessons and meanings that are important in life. 


What does this paragraph foreshadow?

Lavinia knew she should probably take her mom’s advice and learn how to swim. Her favorite arm floaties were looking a little ridiculous on an eleven year old. Then she saw a sign on the pool, “Swim Lessons Start Tomorrow!”



Karen will sign up for the swim lessons.


She seems ready to learn how to swim                                                       



What is the main idea?

The monarch's survival is linked to migration. Each year, thousands of butterflies travel. They make their way to winter nesting grounds. This butterfly travels in search of a new spot to live and lay its eggs. When it gets warmer once again, a monarch returns back home. The breezy wind currents help. They make air travel smooth and effortless. Migration is just one way that animals survive.

It tells how migration helps a monarch survive


What is an inference? 

When the reader uses what they know to make a guess about what they don't know, or reading between the lines.


What is wrong with this sentence? 

darcy is going to hakeems track meet. 

Darcy and Hakeem need to be capitalized 
